“One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time”

The NTN organization is sustained by the efforts of our volunteers. Do you have some time for trails?

Throughout the year there are organized volunteer days with a focus on getting trails prepped for a particular event or season. The events are typically posted on facebook with the two main events being the Dirtball Work Day in May and the Winter Prep event in November. We also welcome organized groups or business to rally volunteers for special sponsored trail work events. Currently Quick Stop Bike Shop hosts a work day on the first Tuesday of each month but there is no shortage of trail maintenance, repair and improvement to be done. Contact us to plan a day!

Track your volunteer hours here!


We know that organized days don’t fit everyone’s schedule or energy level. Each of our trail systems have a lead trail steward/guru/builder that would be happy to have your help. To spend time working on a particular trail or to volunteer where there is a need, please contact the NTN office and we will put you in touch with the trail coordinator:

  • South Trails, Mike Brunet
  • North Trails, Lyle Vanderschaaf
  • Fit Strip, Neil Washburn
  • Forestville, Lori Hauswirth
  • Big Bay Pathway, Sven Gonstead
  • Saux Head, Tracy Goble
  • Valley Spur Trails, Friends of Valley Spur


Started in 2019 with the support of Travel Marquette, NTN launched the Trail Ambassador Program. Currently there are 15 volunteers that are out on the trails keeping an eye on trail needs and providing info to visitors. Contact the NTN office if you want to join the Ambassador Program.


We provide the tools, you provide the time. Sign up for one or both of these programs to help with upkeep as you go on your rides.


NTN hosts a number of events that  directly support the NTN mission. Please support events that support trails by volunteering at NTN events.


While board seats open up periodically, we are always looking for more people to serve on committees. Contact the NTN office for more info.


If you aren’t necessarily a committee type person or have limited time but have some skills or resources that could help the trails…Let us know and we can put you to work!

Volunteering on our trails? You need to sign the volunteer waiver below before you join us.

1 Step 1

General Release and Waiver of Liability

Volunteering with the

Noquemanon Trails Network Council


I, ________________________________________ (legal name), have volunteered to assist Noquemanon Trails Network Council (NTN), a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of Michigan. I have volunteered my time and services because of my support for the NTN and my desire to participate actively in the furtherance of its work.

I or my child are qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in such activity. I understand that my activities as a volunteer entail a risk of physical injury or death and that I may be exposed to hazards arising from my own (or my child’s) actions or inactions or the action or inactions of others, vehicular travel over both improved and primitive roads, use of tools and equipment and strenuous manual labor. I further understand that accidents or injuries may occur in locations or under circumstances where medical attention is not readily available. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the NTN regarding safety and use of all equipment. I expressly assume all risks associated with or arising from my volunteer activities. Because the assertion of claims against the Noquemanon Trails Network Council for personal injury occurring during my volunteer service would be antithetical to my support of the NTN and its goals and would reduce the ability of the NTN to accomplish its charitable purposes, I grant this release.

On behalf of myself, my estate and the personal representative thereof, my heirs and assigns, I hereby forever release Noquemanon Trails Network Council, its officers, directors, members, employees, sponsors, volunteers and agents, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of property on which activities take place and from any and all costs, claims, losses, liabilities or damages arising from or in any way related to, my service as a volunteer.  I intend this release to be effective, regardless of whether the claim of liability is asserted in negligence, strict liability in tort, or other theory of recovery. For myself, my estate and the personal representative thereof, my heirs and assigns, I covenant and agree to make no claim, nor to institute any suit, action or proceeding against the Noquemanon Trails Network Council, its officers, directors, employees, agents, sponsors, or landowners, relating to any accident, incident or occurrence arising out of, or in connection with, my volunteer activities.

My signature on this electronic document signifies that I fully understand and agree to be bound by this Release and Waiver Agreement and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding shall continue in full force and effect.

I acknowledge that if I prefer to sign a paper waiver, I can request one ahead of the work bee or work event. 

I certifiy that I have read this waiver.
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