Grooming Dec 24 2020

Grooming Dec 24, 2020

Sorry, no picture. I didn’t get on the trails at all yesterday and we never run “stock” photos. We don’t want to be like the TV reporters that stage a background and pretend to be at the war zone.
Cold temperatures have returned. Trails will be rock hard with an inch or less of new snow on top. This looks like a good day to get that Christmas shopping done. Groomers will get out as soon as practical. The forecast calls for 1-3” tonight and that will be enough to make a difference. It looks like the 26th will be the first day for skiing on a groomed surface. We will publish an update if things change. Think snow.

In other news, surf is up with wave height of 11 feet on north facing beaches. Winds are north west so look for protection from the west. South beach may be going off and I would check out the Coast Guard Station spot (if I didn’t have that pesky shopping to do). Surf looks good right through Boxing Day. I didn’t get out for a ski, surf or bike yesterday and today isn’t looking so good either. To top that, tomorrow is kind of booked too. Have either of you missed three days in a row? I heard tell (but have seen no hard evidence) that some go for long periods of time; perhaps it’s to win a bet. Could you imagine making a habit out of it?

See you out there on Boxing Day, when schedules returns to the normal space/time continuum.

Grooming Dec 24 2020
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