With the start of the new year, the NTN is excited to announce our new Volunteer Recognition
Program! This new program is designed to officially recognize AND REWARD all the volunteers who have pitched in to help build, maintain, and groom the great trails the Marquette Community enjoys. We couldn’t do it without you. Report your 2023 hours by February 15, 2024 to get your reward.
Here’s the plan: everyone who volunteered at least 5 hours of their time towards trail work will receive NTN TRAIL CREW swag. We have T-shirts for 5+ hours of volunteering, long sleeve T-shirts for 10+
hours, a long sleeve and a trucker hat for 25+ hours and a special item for those ‘super
volunteers’ who worked 50+ hours.
Example (s) of the Trail Crew swag:
Here’s what you need to do to be recognized and claim your reward:
Go to the website: https://www.noquevolunteers.org/
Create an account with your information or Log In if you already have an account.
If you have an existing account, go to ‘My Account’ and update info to include your T-shirt
size (unisex)
Log your hours
Exact dates aren’t critical, try to get close – make sure the hours reported are a date in
Select work location that best fits.
For work type select either TRAIL CLEARING (for any type of maintenance), TRAIL
CONSTRUCTION (for any work on NEW trails) or TRAIL GROOMING (for pretty much
any winter time trail work).
Add a short description of the work in the NOTES section (e.g. worked at the DirtBall,
worked on singletrack at Powell Twp work bee; a sentence or so is all that’s needed,
you are welcome to provide more details if desired- it’s possible things could even be
Only hours recorded on our volunteer site will be recognized. (Please don’t text/email us hours.)
We are recognizing individuals for work done between January 1 and December 31, 2023. To
those who volunteered prior to this date – THANK YOU! You helped make our trails what they
are. For those out volunteering in the new year, thank you, we hope to be able to continue the
rewards program in future years.
This reward is focused on TRAIL WORK volunteers including all work bee labor, Trail Adopter
work, leaf blowing etc. Other volunteer time, such as event assistance, Trail Ambassador
participation and trailhead hosting is covered elsewhere.
Rewards will need to be picked up at the NTN office or NTN events.
The DEADLINE to report hours to receive the reward is February 15, 2024.