Chalet is now open! Hours are M-F 10-4 and S-S 9-4. Chalet will be closed this Saturday Christmas Day.
Forestville Trails:
All trails from the ponds to Co Rd 510 “Bully” groomed and track set (not sure about “Mead by pass”). There are a few thin spots where the tiller hit dirt; particularly down to the ponds and on Gookookoo, Boozhoo and under the powerlines. However, that leaves 99+% as fantastic.

Way Too Long Grooming Report: I spent last night in the wood shed and now I am wearing that stupid scratchy shirt. When will I learn? I do try to get it right but… I try to over communicate but clearly don’t always communicate, period. I agree, Wednesday’s comment on the type and quantity of new snow was far short of the mark.
David tells me he expects a four word/number minimum when describing new snow. For example, on Thursday I should have said we received “…four inches of fine cold lake effect snow.”. Then, I should have spent more time talking about the “squishing” factor. In heaven, new snow following a thaw begins as wet and heavy. Then, through the night it gets colder and more dry so the entire mass grooms and “marries” with the old snow. Ideally, snow doesn’t squish out from under your ski as you stride.
Earlier this week, the snow didn’t behave itself. Because it did not marry with the old crust, it would ball up under the Ginzu classic track setter. The romance languages have more tools with regard to subjunctive or even, conditional moods. I explained that “Andy is classic track setting inside 17k.”. In Spanish there is an entire set of conjugations to indicate the subjunctive or even the conditional nature of a given action. When something is “being done”, it I not “done” so there is an element of doubt. In English, because we lack such a subjunctive or conditional mood, I should have added some text to help readers know the potential of things not going well. Now, I have the woodshed memory and the discomfort of this stupid hair shirt to remind me of my transgressions.
Anyway, yesterday saw almost six inches of big flakes falling with no wind. It was magical; it just kept coming. It was the proper temperature and quantity to yield race ready conditions. Did you see the pictures Andy took? The corduroy looks mesmerizing and the classic tracks look like carved ivory. Andy pulled an all nightery on the morning of Christmas eve. What a Christmas gift to us all. Let us hope he gets everything he wants in his stocking tomorrow.
Saux Head Trails: I expect groomers will be out today. Let me know if you get out, and, send pictures.
Fit Strip: I expect groomers will be out today. Let me know if you get out, and, send pictures.
Snow Bike “North Trails” I expect groomers will be out today. Let me know if you get out, and, send pictures.
Snow Bike “South Trails” I expect groomers will be out today. Let me know if you get out, and, send pictures.
See you out there,