Today’s report is brought to you by Neil and Laurie Winkler. Laurie and Neil are Trail Builders. Their significant financial contribution helps NTN bring you Great skiing, biking, hiking and the silent sports world we have come to enjoy. If you see them, please say thanks. Grooming and grooming reports are brought to you for your skiing, biking and literary(?) enjoyment. If you enjoy what we do, please consider a financial contribution to support the cause.
With the end of regular grooming we will only clog up your spam filter when events warrant.
Conditions warrant in the form of Carry’s text”…on south (snow bike) trails: [he] road (sic) south trails today [Sunday]. East of 553 its mix of dirt, mud, and ice. West of 553 mix of ice and hard pack. Assume all downhills are ice and turns are treacherous. But with that said, the use of studs and caution make for some outstanding riding. [he] did not ride west grey walls or black but covered blue and all groomed trails.”.
Forestville still has full coverage all the way to Co Rd 510 and the five day forecast will keep it that way given cold overnight temperatures. Skiing will be quite good all week starting about an hour after temperatures climb above freezing.
If you have any information on other trails please do let me know. I will pass it on to the other reader.
Fit Strip:
Big Bay Pathway:
Saux Head:
Snow Bike Trails:
South Trails Grooming: See Cary’s comments above.
Way Too Long Grooming Report
It is a wonder that Niels ever became a grooming report writer at all. He kept getting lost on the way to the trail head. He’d tell his buddy Werner to “…step on it, you’re only going 25 miles an hour.
See you out there,