Parking was a premium at the trail head yesterday. I expect the bookies were getting a little anxious given the long odds placed on season long snow cover continuity. Morning temperatures in the teens with another 3” of medium density snow made for a wonderful morning on the trails. Gone were the unpleasant tugs on your skis we experienced on Sunday. God invented BCN for such a day. Silently gliding through 8” of fluff I thought about continuing on beyond the bridge at 17k. However, lacking the time (or, more accurately, the legs) I resisted the urge to ring the bell at 510. Now, today, thankfully, is warm and drizzly so I can get back to that stupid to-do list.
A return to freezing temperatures and snow showers tonight may keep this early season alive but, likely on life support. If the base remains, I expect some die hard(s) will enjoy(?) some to-win-a-bet skiing on Thursday. After all, skiing on icy, uneven, patchy snow reminds us how great it was Tuesday.
See you out there,