Grooming Report November 15, 2021
Sorry for the tardy reportage. I expect both of you get to goof off every day while I get stuck with the dumb-things-I-godda-do list way too often. Why, only yesterday, after my morning ski the surf was good and I didn’t have time to go! Now, another 2” of ideal snow on top of the 6” at Forestville and I am behind on that stupid list. Check out the pictures from yesterday.
Being November 15th with snow on the ground I expect there are a lot of white tails looking for some way to make their feet look like something other than…, well…, their feet. I guess that is what they get for being deer.
Early snow always generates brisk action at the betting houses in Forestville. Will we ski right through into May? The smart money is betting no but hope springs eternal. Running grooming equipment this time of year is problematic for all kinds of reasons. First of all, it is hard on the equipment because rocks punch holes in the packing roller. Then there are the noise rules in hunting areas. Between November 15th and November 30 one can not operate a snow mobile during daylight hours (except for a lunch period). So, the groomers will be parked unless things change dramatically.
Anyway with lows in the 20s last night and forecast again tonight, skiing will be good (well, Sondo good anyway) again today and tomorrow. Wednesday will warm into the high 30s but this time of year the sun never gets too high and it is not above the horizon very long. Cold overnight temperatures the rest of the five day forecast means skiers may be out all week.