November 27, 2018;    Grooming Report:  

November 27, 2018;    Grooming Report:

Another dusting of new snow on top of a nice base will be nature’s grooming on the Noque’ to 17k, Animoosh. Muckwa, Migizi and Chiwagi via the hill by pass.   There is still too little new snow to re-set the classic tracks.  They are fair to good.


Way too long report: No WTLR report today.  See the TLTR below but be forewarned, it is Too Long To Read.


TLTR Report:

I learned a new acronym yesterday.  I expect everyone under the age of say, 50, already knows TLTR and uses it frequently when the WTLR (Way Too Long Report) is discussed.  Of course I tend to own my mistakes and wear these shoes because they fit.  In any case, I see a difference between what needs to be covered in the WTLR and drivel that has absolutely nothing to do with ski conditions.  However, from time to time, issues arise that do need to be covered.  As such, the grooming report writer’s guild has created the TLTR section.


Last night was one such time.  Winter is a marvelous time provided you have at least three winter sports; four and the season becomes rather short.  Early winters like this year have folks above the 47th parallel working on their neighborhood ice rinks.  If you have never enjoyed the process it is not too late.  For decades we have hammered 2×4 spikes into the frozen ground and nailed random planks to form a make shift rink.  During the first cold snap we would take turns flooding the rink and in a week or so the ice would build up from the low edge and a 40’x80’ rink would be as in a Norman Rockwell painting.  Even a block away you could her the ring of pucks off the boards and the sound of cheers as goals were scored or saves were made.


Every year there was a ritual where we would talk about how rink creation could be done with less effort.  There is rather an art to being an ice mister and everyone got to weigh in on where to use slush or how much water to lay during a given stage of the process.  Of course the holy grail was believed to be a membrane.  It was typically quickly dismissed as a pipe dream.  After all, think of the cost even if it were possible.  Well, enter the post modern age; everything is possible.  Last night we lined the new board system with a huge white sheet of plastic and filled a small lake. The fact we have a 12” slope from east to west is what I would call problematic.  On a flat rink one can skate the next day with an inch of water. Anyway, the jury is still out on the process and some fear we have tempted the fates. Others say, what could go wrong? What is the worst that could happen?  I can imagine thousands of gallons of water spilling down the street but…  I am on my way to check and will keep you in the loop.


Please enjoy winter,



November 27, 2018;    Grooming Report:  
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