This IS a Grooming Report: October 27, 2020

This IS a Grooming Report: October 27, 2020

October snow rarely does anyone any good.  There are some exceptions.  For example, I always root for a wet heavy snow on Halloween in hopes of cutting down the numbers.  We typically go through three digits of candy and never have any left.  I don’t mind dropping a C note but I would like to have a few Snicker bars left over.  This year we actually got enough October snow to make for good skiing.

Shoulder season is always interesting. Skiing in the fresh powder yesterday I could see the poor shrew’s tracks.  He was caught unawares just as those of us with dry skis. Now, we can ignore the leaves that didn’t get raked as long as the snow doesn’t melt.  In the spring one finds the shoulder days to be spring like.  You know, you get to decide between water skiing and snow skiing on one of those clear warm and sunny mornings.  Shoulder season in the fall is a messy business.    Shoulder season in October is not described as clear, warm or sunny.  One can look at the surf and ponder being in the water with bits of ice blowing in your face or dressing for skiing in the upper 20s.  I know you are thinking, why not both but late October daylight is only so long.

We have flat water today so it is biking or skiing.  With the weekend before the last Monday of January falling early this year I want to get time on the skis.  Look at the trail from last night.  With overnight lows in the mid teens you can expect very good skate skiing this morning.  See you out there.




This IS a Grooming Report: October 27, 2020
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