Grooming October 28, 2020

Grooming October 28, 2020














Grooming Report October 28, 2020

First, a few words from the Apology Department at Grooming Report Writer’s Guild Hall.  Get Over It!  I received a good deal of guff from the Friends of St. Quodvultdeus.  It seems according to some, just because our October 26th snow event set records it should be a named “storm”. However, with no accompanying gale force winds and related drifting it was hardly a storm in our estimation.  So, as long as they don’t change my password there will be no grade inflation here. If care is not taken we will run out of names and have to resort to the Greek Alphabet like those other folks.


Now, for the important business at hand.  Did you get out yesterday?  You know when the main complaint relates to oak leaves it is a good day on the boards.  Granted, it is a first world problem and one tied to folks north of the 46th parallel but, it is a problem none the less.  Again, Get Over It.  Count it all joy.  However, after scuffing up my lips a couple of times I did shorten my skate stride a bit.



Our sage grooming team weighs grooming decisions with great care.  Doug did take the Ginzu out yesterday afternoon and leveled some areas and even set track but we stayed off the trails last night. Too much grooming will age the snow prematurely.  So too one has to guard against running out of fossil fuel and budget resources when the season begins before All Hallows’ Eve.


So, unless some kind soul raked leaves, you will find too many in some areas.  So too you will find a few uneven sections.  Yesterday’s cold temperatures and low sun angle will have protected the snow but some crusting will have occurred. Steep hills on the Wagis will be sporty and are not packed but snow cover is good in all areas.  You will find it a bit thin under the hemlock groves.  The only area I found problematic for cover was the rocky section just east of the pine plantation. Take care on the climb, ski that loop counter clock wise and you will be fine.  This researcher plans to bring touring skis and skate skis to the trail head and plan to use both.  Enjoy.

See you out there,


Grooming October 28, 2020
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