Grooming Dec 21 2020
Grooming December 20, 2020 THANK YOU BOB. We have this great skiing due to the selfless work of long time NTN member Bob. If you see him say, Thank You.[…]
Grooming December 19, 2020 Tom sent this photo yesterday and said it was well worth the drive. Early season snow is like working your way up to a nice[…]
We received the following last night from Bob. I ran into Greg Nelson and Sten at the 510 Trailhead today. They had just skated toward Marquette as far as I[…]
Not a Grooming Report: November 25, 2020 As the holidays swiftly approach I have to ask if either of you have been to an event I like to call, “forced[…]
Not a Grooming Report November 3, 2020 Not a Grooming Report November 3,[…]
Being svelte I expect you have never even heard the term “secret miles” (secret kilometers in this[…]
Grooming October 29, 2020 I fear I undersold the conditions in yesterday’s report. I arrived at the[…]