Note the poor technique displayed by this person at the 510 trail head attempting to skate.
Forestville Trails:
No grooming until more snow. Trail Head Chalet Closed.
Skiers were treated to very good skiing yesterday if they were willing to negotiate around the bare spots. I did set off from the Co Rd 510 trail head and 99%+ was excellent. An inch of new snow on top of a hard but forgiving crust made for an excellent skate surface. I went down the (so called) Mead By-pass and then continued down to the 12k mark. I returned to 510 via the normal race trail. The first K from the trail head to about ½ k west of the powerlines is the real problem. However, when balanced against the drive to 510, the “hike-a-bike” to ski from Forestville is worth the shot. I did notice a number of tracks coming up from the trail head direction however, none continued all the way to 510.
The Mead By-pass section was especially wonderful; crust skiing at its best. It had not been groomed since the heavy pre-thaw snow so air still remained in the crust and there were no tracks. One could glide, stride by stride from one trail edge to the other. Of course the final three hills of the new by pass section were hike-a-bike and a large tree crosses the trail. That was the only un-skiable section all day. It is thin under the hemlocks and there are numerous water bars but none are problematic. Watch out for the downhills at 21k and the “lower Mead Gate” as there are several exposed rocks; high speed side steps may be needed so your adrenal gland may get some exercise too.
I am going to the Forestville end to start today. I trust I’ll see you out there.
Saux Head Trails: I expect a mix of ice and bare spots until more snow.
Fit Strip: I expect a mix of ice and bare spots until more snow.
Snow Bike “North Trails” I expect a mix of ice and bare spots until more snow.
Snow Bike “South Trails” I expect a mix of ice and bare spots until more snow.
See you out there,