Grooming March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020 Grooming Report

GROOMING WILL CONTINUE  as long as we can! 

 Today’s report is brought to us by the first two people that sent in money on the Spring of COVID 19 Link (see below):    Yesterday’s grooming report lead with a plea for grooming funds.  NTN grooming operations are a tight ship.  Slush is something we deal with in the spring, not in the budget.  With our increased grooming this COVID 19 spring we are at the bottom of the barrel.

Two early adapters sent in enough money via the link below to cover another groom!  If that is you, we all owe you a big THANKS.  Monday night looks to be a hard freeze so Tuesday morning will be another one of these U.S. Ski Team Spring Camp type of days.  Few places in the world have the conditions we see every day.  In the Pre-Piston Bully days, spring conditions were ok but this is a level of magnitude change.

I have not taken careful snow base measurements so am uncertain how many more grooms are possible; that is far above my pay grade.  However, it is clear we have more in the season if we have more in the budget.  Each Bully groom costs about $500 (and it is worth it at twice the price).  You had to ski Friday to fully grasp what we have out our back door.  Fortunately, it looks like you have another opportunity this next Tuesday as we do plan a Bully groom after the hard freeze Monday night.

You may follow the link and contribute or feel free to contact the office or reply to this grooming report.  No contribution is too small.

See you out there

Trail memberships can be purchased on the web site.  Please visit and follow the links.  You too can be feted in an up coming grooming report.

SPRING SCHEDULE IN EFFECT:  Trail Head is closed and the privy is locked.  Practice save social distancing and enjoy the beautiful skiing.

Forestville:  No grooming last night as it was too warm.  Morning skiing may be good but please stay off the trails if you are sinking into the base more than 2”.



TRAIL – First Priority
Forestville to 17k
Lower Animoosh
Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Upper Animoosh Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Boozoo Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Zhing Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Papasay Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Gookookoo Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Bagwagi to 2nd cut off Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Chiwagi by pass Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Chiwagi Hills Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Migizi Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Waaban Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Mukwa Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
Connectors Bully groomed and tracked 3/27
TRAIL 2nd Priority  
Mead Bypass

17k to 510

Ponds to Tourist Park

T.P. to NMU

Bully groomed and tracked 3/27

Bully groomed and tracked 3/27

Ginzu groom and tracked 3/19

Ginzu groom and tracked 3/19


Way too Long Grooming Report:

As I look out the window, a cold rain and fog makes one ponder what a difference a day makes.  These are the days I expect Lord Byron and Mary & Percy Shelley experienced in their mountain retreat during the year of no summer.  Imagine the literary works that will be created during these dreary lock down days.

Check out what it looked like over the weekend.  Notice the color change from slate grey to deep blue.  That is where the ice layer ends.  The foreground is covered with a thin ice layer.  The first time I noticed the plastic nature of ice was a lifetime ago skating on the bayou.  There was an open spring and various skaters would take turns seeing how close they could skate.  Spectators could see the ice bend down as water gushed up through the spring hole.  Mason won, or should I maybe say, lost as he is the only one to need a change of clothes.

Saux Head:  All trails were groomed and track set Saturday.  We are on the thaw end of the thaw/freeze cycle.  Skiing may be quite good if the trail is still firm but please stay off the trails if you sink in more than 2”.

Big Bay Pathway:    I expect the classic tracks are quite thin and dirty.  Klister will pick up junk quickly so bring a scraper.  There is nothing like a good ski on a rainy day. Big Bay trails are for classic skiing and snowshoeing.  Big Bay is a great place to get away and breath some fresh air. We are on the thaw end of the thaw/freeze cycle.  Skiing may be quite good if the trail is still firm but please stay off the trails if you sink in more than 2”.

Fit Strip:  Grooming has been suspended.  Expect some bare spots.

Snow Bike Trails:  Groomers went out on the 26th to smooth high traffic areas. We are on the thaw end of the thaw/freeze cycle.  Riding may be quite good if the trail is still firm but please stay off the trails if you sink in more than 2”.

South Trails: Groomers went out on the 26th to smooth high traffic areas.  We are on the thaw end of the thaw/freeze cycle.  Riding  may be quite good if the trail is still firm but please stay off the trails if you sink in more than 2”.

As of Thursday morning 3/26: We groomed Mt Mqt, Main, Enchantment and Oak Hill last night just before refreeze.

Riding should stay really good today and Friday morning. After that, overnight temps look pretty ugly, so ride while it’s good!

Some icy patches starting under the hemlocks and on Jeep trail below the bridge. Jeep trail got Jeeped pretty good at the bottom, be cautious on the descent.

North Trails: The Pine, Penstock, BLP Rocks loop was groomed the 26th.

As it gets warm riders and foot traffic are asked to avoid leaving deep ruts or foot prints.  Riding will be great for weeks to come provided everyone uses commons sense when it is warm.   

To learn more about the NTN, to join, volunteer, become a sponsor or make a comment, please visit .



Grooming March 29, 2020
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