Grooming April 11, 2020

April 11, 2020 Grooming Report

GROOMING WILL CONTINUE with Ginzu  as long as we can! 


Today’s report is brought to us by the people still providing necessary services.  AND GROOMING OUR SKI TRAILS IS NECESSARY!   THANK LORI, DOUG AND NICK WERE OUT LAST NIGHT, SAY THANKS.  If you see someone that is providing required services, please thank them.  Please do what you can to help.  Buy local.

Please help us continue to groom as long as possible.  You may follow the link and contribute or feel free to contact the office or reply to this grooming report.  No contribution is too small.


Trail memberships can be purchased on the web site.  Please visit and follow the links.  You too can be feted in an up coming grooming report.

SPRING SCHEDULE IN EFFECT:  Trail Head is closed and the privy is locked.  Practice save social distancing and enjoy the beautiful skiing.


Forestville:  This is one of those spectacular days on which one has to get out.  Temperatures will climb quickly so the Goldie Locks window is short.  Best skiing will be from 9 – noon; better hurry.  See you out there.


Doug groomed at sunset and sadly, a skier went on the fresh grooming.  If you do see fresh late day grooming please try one of the other trails that was not freshly groomed.


Nick and Lori went out later that same night and did clean up and got additional trails groomed.  Most trails to 17k are groomed.  It should be great until about 12:23 this afternoon and then it will be getting too soft.





TRAIL – First Priority
Forestville to 17k
Lower Animoosh
Ginzu skate and classic groomed 4/11
Ginzu skate and classic groomed 4/11
Upper Animoosh Ginzu skate lane groomed 4/11
Boozoo Bully groomed and tracked 3/31
Zhing Bully groomed and tracked 3/31
Papasay Bully groomed and tracked 3/31
Gookookoo Ginzu skate lane & Classic groomed 4/11
Bagwagi to 2nd cut off Ginzu groomed and tracked 4/11
Chiwagi by pass Ginzu groomed and tracked 4/11
Chiwagi Hills Ginzu skate lane groomed 4/5
Migizi Ginzu skate lane & Classic groomed 4/11
Waaban Bully groomed and tracked 3/31
Mukwa Bully groomed and tracked 3/31
Connectors Bully groomed and tracked 3/31
TRAIL 2nd Priority  
Mead Bypass

17k to 510

Ponds to Tourist Park

T.P. to NMU

Bully groomed and tracked 3/27

Ginzu Skate lane & Clasic groomed 4/4

Ginzu groom and tracked 3/19

Ginzu groom and tracked 3/19

Yesterday just before the race direction down hill at 11k. Ninety nine times out of a hundred I will holler at the top of my lungs, “COMING DOWN” as I crest two way hills in either direction.  I also holler going down to the Bismarck Bridge, above the lower Mead gate and the hill at 22k along with other obvious pinch points.  Anyway, I spaced it out yesterday and just got in my tuck.  I have to haul this carcass all the way up so I ride it all the way down  and hate to kill any speed.  So, it was to our collective good fortune that both myself, Wally, Dan and Jon are proficient downhillers.  We passed (six feet apart) at the bottom turn and at top speed on a blazing fast day.  Blood is so red on snow so we are all glad to have avoided springing a leak.

Way too Long Grooming Report:

I knew I would forget something.  A letter poured in yesterday pointing out NOAA is calling for 13’ surf with a 10 second period on Monday.  One always thinks of surfing as a fall sport in the U.P. with The Gales of November and all that.  There are almost always some surf days in August, sans wet suit no less.  Then, if it is a light ice year one can surf all winter. I typically skip the mid winter outings as skiing/snow biking normally take precedence. And its really cold.  However, we do get some prodigious surf in April and May.  I hate it when it is good in April.  The water is so cold. I love it when it is good in April.  I have good booties and gloves and a 6/5 suit so it isn’t cold at all.  I know people say, you don’t have to go out, but then you would have to leave town to avoid the shame and ignominy.  It is divine provenance that during the six weeks of summer that we get no surf whatsoever.  We save summer for water skiing.

Saux Head: 

Trails will be rock hard until about 9:00 in the morning.  After noon skiing may be too soft.   There is a bare spot on the Pep-O-Day and one is beginning at the top of the Beast major hill but most trails are still well covered.


Big Bay Pathway:

Trails are still well covered but classic tracks are likely gone.  Trails will be rock hard until about 9:00.  After noon skiing may be too soft.

Fit Strip:  Grooming has been suspended.  Expect some bare spots.

Snow Bike Trails:  Trails will be rock hard and likely slick in the morning. Things will get very soft afternoon so please protect the trails by avoiding them if too soft.

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Grooming April 11, 2020
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