Grooming February 19, 2021

First tracks yesterday mid-morning on rock hard ‘Bully groomed corduroy; Animoosh side of Pine Plantation.

Forestville:  Yesterday’s ‘Bully grooming and almost zero skiers combined with a light dusting will make for excellent skiing.  The groomer stayed parked yesterday.  A full ‘Bully run is scheduled for tonight. 

Fit Strip:  Patricia kied the Fit Strip on February 16. She reported: “Much of the lighted loop had been groomed with fresh tracks. The north end is still without enough snow to track, but at least has a little more coverage. Full trees, clear skies, quarter moon, and the (very large-sounding) hooting owl (who owns the place) make a peaceful setting for an evening ski.”

Big Bay Pathway:    The Big Bay Pathway was groomed on the 16th.  

Meditation and Hidden Grin are groomed and in excellent condition 👍

Saux Head:  Tim groomed and track set the 17th.  Tom skied yesterday and reported it was in good shape. 

Snow Bike Trails:


Last Groomed: 2/17/21:  Base is solid and well packed with overall very good coverage; occasional rocks and roots showing through.

Current conditions are about as good as they get for winter biking and trail running.

Be prepared for ice where trails go under the penstock

South Trails Grooming:  Groomed February 16. Trails in excellent shape.

WTLGR:  I am not sure everyone fully appreciates regular grooming. It is so great; it is almost fun.  We can plan on skiing every single day on a wonderful surface! From time to time we will skip a day when conditions warrant.  Today for example; after yesterday’s ‘Bully groom and light traffic, we received a dusting of just the proper amount.  Skiing will be excellent again today.  Skiing was not always so. Sure, skiing is good on one day old or even a week old surface but it is not the same.  I grew up in a house where the first few cups of coffee were what we still affectionately call, sauce pan coffee (remember, before microwave ovens?).  Even long after those years, when home for visits, Sond (not to be confused with Sondo) would pour whatever was left into a pan on the stove.  We would enjoy(?) our first cup as the fresh pot was percolating (sorry, another age specific reference of which you are likely unaware).  It was fine.  We didn’t know anything different.  Truth be told, at camp, without benefit of the Jura Capresso machine, we make coffee in a pot.  Most mornings begin with the sauce pan; but, it isn’t the same.  At the trail head yesterday I noticed some of the wide trail sections had the old surface showing.  I went on that side just for old time’s sake, but, not for long.  I can’t throw out old coffee because I was taught otherwise but…

See you out there,


Grooming February 19, 2021
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