Grooming February 26, 2020

Grooming February 26, 2020

Today’s report is brought to you by Upper Peninsula Periodontics:  Upper Peninsula Periodontics is a Black Diamond sponsor on the Single Track trails in Marquette.  Without the support of folks like Upper Peninsula Periodontics we would not have the excellent trails we have come to expect.  If you see them, say thanks.


Trail Builder sections and Snow Bike trail sections are available.  Please visit and follow the links.  You too can be feted in an up coming grooming report.

Forestville:  Andy is Bully grooming from the Ponds to 17k including Animoosh and Chiwagi hill by-pass.


TRAIL – First Priority
Ponds to 17k
Lower Animoosh
Bully groomed and tracked 2/26
Bully groomed and tracked 2/26
Upper Animoosh Bully groomed and tracked 2/26
Boozoo Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Zhing Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Papasay Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Gookookoo Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Bagwagi to 2nd cut off Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Chiwagi by pass Bully groomed and tracked 2/26
Chiwagi Hills Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Migizi Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Waaban Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Mukwa Bully groomed and tracked 2/25
Connectors Bully groomed and tracked 2/22
TRAIL 2nd Priority  
Mead Bypass

17k to 510

Ponds to Tourist Park

T.P. to NMU

Bully groomed and tracked 2/22

Bully groomed and tracked 2/22

Ginzu groom and tracked 2/24

Ginzu groom and tracked 2/24

Way too Long Grooming Report:

Skiing was fabulous yesterday! Check out the picture going down the second Chiwagi hill.  I reported skiing would be excellent and it was under sold. There were a number of giddy skiers flying around the lightning fast silky smooth trails.  A serous multi day thaw turns the top several inches of base into an icy crust.  Power tilling not only breaks up the crust but blends it with the underlying “young” snow crystals.  Our new Piston Bully can spin the tiller most effectively given its precision balance and its position on the groomer.  You both need to tell everyone you know how our new grooming equipment can turn icy crust into truly excellent skiing. This is a watershed moment!  Humans are always looking for “the next big thing”.  You know, the “thing” that will change our lives (for the better) going forward.  I am reminded of my grandmother talking about the buzz surrounding the Wright brother’s powered flight.  She was just a teenager but could see how the world would be changed.  Often there is a buzz but no apparent change.  Identifying the Higgs boson comes to mind.  While everyone should understand why it is cool, to date it has changed few lives.  Then there are the delayed reaction discoveries.  Remember how room temperature super conductivity was going to change the world?  Well, it may have allowed us to find the Higgs boson but other than high energy physics so far the world is little changed.  Of course, Einstein’s famous equation showing the relation between energy and matter took decades to change the world, to be sure it did change the world.  So, when we first took delivery of the new Piston Bully groomer it was cool to be sure but would its vision exceed its grasp?  Some grooming reporters said it would change the world; and now it has!  No longer will a prolonged thaw spell the end of good skiing until the next snow event.  No longer will our toes have to grip the bottom of our boots during white knuckle skis on the first cold day after a thaw.  We don’t even know the name of the guy/gal that first attached an axle to a wheel but the world never looked back.  Enjoy!

Saux Head:  All trails were groomed and track set Saturday the 22nd.  I expect trails will be a little icy until today’s snow event.    Please let us know what it is like today.




Big Bay Pathway:  Denis groomed Monday the 17th.   I expect trails will be a little icy until today’s snow event.  Please let us know what it is like today.


Fit Strip:  Neil groomed all trails Monday the 24th. I expect trails will be a little icy until today’s snow event.  If you do ski the Fit Strip please let us know what you found.



Snow bike trails comments:

I did look at the North trails in several spots on my way to ski and they all looked quite good.  I expect some slick spots at lower elevations but the base will be firm and I didn’t see any evidence of deep ruts from the recent thaw.  If you do ride please let us know what you find.



Snow Bike North Trails:      Last 1st ridden            Comment:

Lower Trails

The Pines                                        2/14                    Solid; a few slick spots

Penstock                                         2/14                    Solid Excellent

Blue Herron                                    2/14                    Solid Excellent

BLP Rocks                                        2/14                    Solid Excellent

Collinsville                                      2/14                    Solid Excellent


Upper Trail

Upper Blue Herron                       2/14                    Solid but a few drifts hid any soft edge and snow snakes

Silver Lead                                      2/14                    Solid but a few drifts hid any soft edge and snow snakes

Peter’s Sandbox                                          2/14                    Solid Excellent

Ramblin Man                                  2/10                    Excellent as of the 10th

Wildcat                                            2/10                    Excellent as of the 10th



South Trails:   Trails regroomed Monday the 24th  just before refreeze. Did not groom bg connector, will touch up when we start plowing for today/tonight’s snow. Trails are very firm, go ride.


Trail Segment                                Last Report        Comments:

Mt Mqt (East)                        2/24                Firm

Har-Lang (BG Connector)    2/24                Firm

East Greywalls                       2/24                Firm

Main (Benson/Freak)           2/24                Firm

West Greywalls                     2/24                Firm

Enchantment                        2/24                Firm

Oak Hill                                   2/24                Firm

Old Camp Ridge                    2/24                Closed due to down trees

Shirleys                                   2/24                Closed; high water

PPP –                                       2/24                variable

Seppi –                                    2/24                variable

Bob’s Sled – closed (trees)

Eh Line – closed (trees)


IOHT to South Beach – UP 200 start           Not Plowed




THE FORESTVILLE TRAIL HEAD CHALET IS OPEN! Chalet hours are 7 AM to 10 PM and rental equipment is available between 10 and 4.  Come in and enjoy the fire and company.

To learn more about the NTN, to join, volunteer, become a sponsor or make a comment, please visit .



Grooming February 26, 2020
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